The Importance of Reflection

A new year means there is an opportunity to reflect on the past year and look forward to what is to come. Now, I don’t want you to think that this is a time for “should’ve, would’ve, could’ve” thoughts. Rather, I want you to utilize the month of January as a way to see what you have accomplished, what you are looking forward to achieving, and how you are going to prioritize your well-being.

Reflections are important because they allow you to stop and take a moment to pivot from the day-to-day that we so often get caught up in. You can reflect by taking out a journal and separating your paper into three sections. At the top of the first section, write “Start,” in the middle section of the page, write “Resume,” and finally, at the top of the final section, write “Stop.” These sections are a good catalyst for three things to reflect on. Ask yourself these three questions:

1. What do I need to start doing this year?

2. What do I need to resume doing this year?

3. What do I need to stop doing this year?

Be honest with yourself when answering these questions in your journal, and write your answers to these questions. This will allow you to see the good habits that you have developed, the goals that you want to achieve this year, and create boundaries for yourself in order to stop doing specific things. In order to grow into the best version of yourself, you have to begin by being honest. Once the window of honesty is opened, the possibilities are endless because you are able to look at things with a clear and open view. 

So, don’t be afraid to start the year off with a little bit of reflection. It will help the rest of your year align in the way that it should go. I highly recommend that you implement monthly or quarterly reflection periods, so that you create a habit of looking at the glass half full, seeing where you can grow, and then becoming who you are meant to be. 

Happy New Year!


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